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Students in grades Kindergarten through sixth grade meet weekly for elementary chapel. Guest speakers from area churches and communities are invited to make presentations to the students. Many missionaries on furlough share at elementary chapel as well as former students, pastors, and parents. The elementary students open each chapel with enthusiastic singing.

Junior/Senior High

Junior and senior high chapel meets twice weekly and opens with pledges to the American and Christian flag and the Bible, prayer, and the singing of the National Anthem. Often a worship time of singing will follow.

Administrators and faculty take turns sharing in chapel. Outside speakers include community pastors and youth pastors, missionaries, and college representatives.

Spiritual Emphasis Week takes place in the fall with a special speaker coming in for the week. Extended chapels are scheduled every day and the guest speaker is available for individual counseling with the students throughout the week.

Missions Emphasis Week takes place during the spring semester. Chapels thoughout the week emphasize missions around the world.

Student ministry teams lead worship frequently and summer missions reports are given by students. Special sharing times are also a part of Berean’s chapel ministry.

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