Christian Action
The Berean Academy Christian Action Committee is elected from the high school student body and serves the high school students.
The purpose of Christian Action:
To encourage each student to continually grow closer to Jesus Christ in his or her personal life
To promote unity in the student body as brothers and sisters in Christ
To provide each student opportunities to put his or her faith into practice by serving the Lord in some area of outreach
To support Berean students who are involved in summer missions projects
The activities of Christian Action:
To plan an After Glow activity following Spiritual Emphasis Week to allow students to share decisions made and spiritual growth experienced during the week
To plan monthly worship services at the Newton Presbyterian Manor that allow students to share their faith with others
To plan fund raising events for Christian Action activities, for missions projects, and for support of Berean students involved in summer missions projects
To plan chapels in which Berean students involved in summer mission projects report back to the student body as to how the Lord used them in missions
To plan See You at the Pole activities to allow Berean students to join Christian students around the nation in praying for our country, leaders, and school
To plan weekly morning Bible studies and prayer meetings
President Eric Busenitz
Vice-President Troy Wiebe
Secretary Ivy McClenahan
Treasurer Aubrie Adams
Student Council Representative Kara Wiebe
Faculty Sponsor Leroy Busenitz
Student Council
Student Council consists of an executive committee and representatives from each student organization and class. The primary purpose of Student Council is to promote leadership development. The distinctive of Christ-like leadership is that of service. As Jesus came not to be ministered unto but to minister to others, so our students learn that a leader is effective only as the needs of others are considered.
This student government organization plans activities and projects to promote student body interaction and social development. The initial activity of the school year is the Ice-breaker event which is planned in conjunction with Christian Action. A special chapel service and many recreational activities make this a full day event. Student Council also plans social events such as the Winter Banquet and Homecoming. Fifth-Quarter activities provide social opportunities for the winter sports seasons.
President Thad Nichols
Vice President Elizabeth Wuthnow
Secretary Melissa Crew
Treasurer Carlin Unruh
Faculty Sponsor Jerry McClenahan
Class Officers and Sponsors
Senior Class:
President Abby Claassen
Vice President John Myers
Secretary Katie Hoyt
Treasurer Drew Busenitz
Stuco Rep Tony Pearce
Christian Action Rep Nate Olsen
Faculty Sponsor Jason Wine
Junior Class:
President Cathryn Wiebe
Vice President Kylan Cook
Secretary Adriana Claassen
Treasurer Kayla Wiebe
Stuco Rep Dwight Moore
Christian Action Rep Kristen Wiebe
Faculty Sponsor Carmen Goering
Sophomore Class:
President Blake Barber
Vice President Carol Spunaugle
Secretary Bryce Roth
Treasurer Ben Reed
Stuco Rep Megan Ballard
Christian Action Rep James Cook
Faculty Sponsor Paul Rust
Freshman Class:
Vice President
Stuco Rep
Christian Action Rep
Faculty Sponsor Lewis Wiebe
Eighth Grade Class:
President Marc Suderman
Vice President Hailey Ballard
Secretary Chelsi Harder
Treasurer Alyssa Schoenwald
Faculty Sponsor Shelly Friesen
Seventh Grade Class:
President Brady Barber
Vice President Carrie Wiebe
Secretary Kayla Wilgers
Treasurer Casey Wiebe
Faculty Sponsor Mark Anderson